JULY 2023 | NUMBER 5


This year we are celebrating an important event: Coexpan’s 50th anniversary.
50 years full of enthusiasm, perseverance, hard work, service dedication, knowledge, and a firm commitment to our customers. We started in Madrid with one extruder and today we have a manufacturing presence in 8 countries with 12 industrial facilities and more than 1100 employees.

All this would not have been possible without the collaboration of all of you.
Thank you very much and here’s to another 50 years!
Some Coexpan plants have already celebrated the 50th anniversary with our people and their families.
In the rest of the Coexpan facilities it will be held soon! We will keep you informed.

Pedro Jarillo has been with Coexpan for 46 years, he started as a Maintenance Technician at Coexpan and today he is Technical Support Manager at Emsur. His daughter, Tamara Jarillo, joined Coexpan 7 years ago as a Quality Technician and is currently still with the company as Quality Manager.
We were able to have a coffee with them and enjoy listening to how they share their Coexpan experience with their family.
A chat full of memories and anecdotes.
Don't miss it!


Let’s talk to Pedro Jarillo:

QUESTION: What impressed Tamara most about your work when she was a child?

PEDRO JARILLO: The dedication I had to my work. At the beginning I would use a “beeper”, and I was the first one to have a mobile phone in the company.

Q: What is it like working with your daughter?

A: She is a hard worker and when we get together, we don’t stop talking about work.

Q: What do you value most about Coexpan?

A: The way the company has grown, we started with one extruder and now we have 12 factories around the world!

Q: How do you live Coexpan at home?

A: We put in a lot of hours… and at home they were used to the phone ringing at odd hours, he says with a laugh.

Pedro ends the conversation affirming:

I still have the same enthusiasm for doing things. I identify with my work, and I like it a lot.

Tamara shared with us:

QUESTION: What childhood memories do you have of your father’s work?

TAMARA JARILLO: The smell of plastic associated with chocolate. When my father used to take me to Coexpan he would always treat me to a hot chocolate from the vending machine. Years later, when I went back to work, that same smell totally reminded me of the hot chocolates I used to drink as a child.

Q: What’s it like working with your father?

A: It’s very good (smiles). At the beginning I was Pedro Jarillo’s daughter, but now my father has been asked on occasion if he has anything to do with Tamara Jarillo, says Tamara proudly.

Q: What do you value most about Coexpan?

A: The people, there is a very good atmosphere.

Q: How do you experience Coexpan at home?

A: People have always talked about Coexpan at home! And now that we share colleagues and workplace, we start talking about our things and we don’t stop.

Tamara ends the chat by saying:

A: One of the things I liked the most was being able to attend the tribute they paid him when my father reached his 40th year in Coexpan. It was very moving.

It was a real pleasure to listen to both father and daughter talking about Coexpan!

We wish them continued success and to continue writing the history of Coexpan.


To further improve the “accidents, severity and absenteeism” data, the H&S team has selected 9 improvement projects in the area of people, machinery and processes that make up the Grupo Lantero’s H&S Master Plan. The initiatives are “prepared and tested” in small working groups at local level (phase 1 + 2) and once consolidated, in phase 3 they will become global group standards.


COEXPAN Technical Training. Coexpan and Emsur Human Resources and Jean Michel Geay, Coexpan's Global Leader for new generation materials, organised a training programme on Rigid Plastics.

This training aims to transfer technical knowledge to our Coexpan and Emsur teams so that they can add value to our customers. The training consists of 8 modules taught over two days in English and the first session took place in July 2023 at Innotech. We will continue to do this kind of training.

Congratulations to all those who have recently been promoted in some of the Group’s companies. CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL THE PROMOTIONS.Hay muchas más oportunidades en Grupo Lantero. There are many more opportunities in Grupo Lantero. We encourage you to check them out on WORKDAY
We are pleased to share with you the promotions that have taken place between May 15 and July 15.
  • Valeria Vega has been promoted to Regional HRBP NORAM of the Emsur Mexico, Coexpan Mexico and Emsur USA plants.
  • Martine Ferand, assumes a new role as Costumer Service Manager for the Flexo Cluster.
  • Orlando Malvaez Blancas joins the technical team of the Emsur Division, reporting directly to the Technical Director of the Business Unit.
  • Kawtar El Ghazi has been promoted to Customer Service Manager for Morocco and Commercial Account Manager at Leca Imprimepel.
  • Eduard Fernández assumes the position of Sales Support Technician in Argent.
We wish them a lot of success!


COEXPAN MÉXICO: We have developed a BIO film that can be based on Polystyrene, Polypropylene or PET. What we use is a biodegradable additive of the latest generation with an innovative technology.

With a small amount of this additive, during the manufacturing process of plastic articles, the biodegradation of the plastic articles is enhanced and accelerated by more than 50 times when they are finally disposed of in very active microbial environments, thus reducing the time of their actual biodegradation to a range of 1-10 years.

Our BIO film can be in contact with food and consumer products as it is FDA approved and is free of heavy metals, recyclable and does not affect the recycling cycle. It biodegrades in aerobic environments (composts), anaerobic environments (landfills and dumps) and even in nature.

Con una pequeña cantidad de este aditivo, durante el proceso de fabricación de los artículos plásticos la biodegradación de éstos mejora y se acelera más de 50 veces cuando sean finalmente desechados en ambientes microbianos muy activos, reduciendo así el tiempo de su biodegradación real a un rango de1-10 años. Nuestra lámina BIO, puede estar en contacto con alimentos y productos de consumo ya que está aprobada por FDA y es libre de metales pesados, es reciclable y no afecta el ciclo de reciclado. Se biodegrada tanto en ambientes aeróbicos (compostas), ambientes anaeróbicos (vertederos y rellenos sanitarios) e incluso en la naturaleza.

EMSUR MÉXICO: New die-cutting machine! The new machine, equipped with three die-cuts, allows us to offer our customers an alternative to aluminium lids. Our new supplier, Packers, a reference in the “asian” market, has developed its first CE-certified die cutting machine especially for us.

LECA: We have installed a collaborative robot in our plant in Argent. This robot, located in the folding area, will oversee palletizing boxes coming out of the folding line and communicating the palletized boxes to Orion (our production ERP) to register their stock in the system. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE

This is a clear commitment by the Business Unit to improve health and safety conditions in the section, since one of the advantages of the robot is the elimination of manual handling of the boxes for palletizing them.

Other advantages are:

  • Reducing the workload of the section staff (eliminating tasks that do not add value) to increase their ability to monitor and control the operation of the folder and the quality of the cartons produced (more time for tasks that do add value).
  • Ensure the reading of labels and thus improve the declaration of finished product stocks in the system.

ESTELLAPRINT: We are immersed in the middle of the school campaign, manufacturing the books for the second year of the new Education Law, the LOMLOE. Last year we manufactured the books for the 1st, 3rd and 5th year, and this year we are manufacturing the the 2nd, 4th and 6th years, for Primary and Secondary school. Our main customers are Anaya, Oxford and Santillana, with whom we have had a close business relationship for several decades.

GRAFICAS ESTELLA: We have installed a robot in the lids section. The robot has been developed with a mechatronics engineering company dedicated to the automation of processes that improves the ergonomics of the cap station, as it eliminates the manual handling and palletization of the lids at the exit of the machine. Until now, these operations had to be carried out by the machine operator. This robot reduces by 50% the volume of weight moved by the workers throughout the process.


Various team meetings have been organized in recent months:

1st Global meeting of the Supply Chain teams of Coexpan and Emsur in Madrid. A great opportunity to define the Global Strategy for the next 3 years and to define the key projects.

Key projects will focus on:
  • Being efficient in our management and developing standard and optimized processes.
  • Seek greater coordination in order to identify the synergies we need.
  • Positively impact the business and results and show the Supply Chain as a competitive pillar for the organization.

12th Global Financial Meeting in Muñopedro (Segovia) with the attendance of the financial teams of the plant or service centers, corporate financial team, and guests from other areas such as Legal, IT, HR, Internal Audit, Transformation Office and Controlling. Andrés Lantero, President of Grupo Lantero, and Daniel Carreño, CEO of the Group closed the day.

The following are the objectives of the meeting:
  • To know the consolidated reporting output of the entire Group. Which reports, at what frequency and to whom.
  • To understand the difficulties at local level in completing Group reporting.
  • Reinforce the responsibility of the financial area to reflect the true and fair view of the business by providing information in a timely manner.
  • Team management and automation opportunities.
At the meeting, different presentations were shared, and exercises were conducted to share results and review possible discrepancies. There were also team building sessions and follow-up sessions with other non-financial areas.

1st meeting of the Controlling team of the Group Lantero in Pastrana with the participation of the teams of the 4 Business Units.
For the first time, the group's controlling team met for a few days in Pastrana to talk about the role of the controller and its functions, as well as with the aim of working all in the same direction and under the same criteria and homogeneous models

Por primera vez, el equipo de controlling del grupo se reunió unos días en Pastrana para hablar sobre el rol del controller y sus funciones, así como con el objetivo de trabajar todos en una misma dirección y bajo los mismos criterios y modelos

Global HR meeting in Ávila
After a few years without meetings with the entire HR team, in June they met to share ideas, best practices, and align current and future actions.

New Corporate WIFI. Since June the Corporate WIFI network "GrupoLantero" has been available, with which we can connect on all the plants of Grupo Lantero automatically, without the need to enter a new password. For any questions, please contact your local IT Manager.

EMSUR Poland celebrates its 25th Anniversary with a big party with its employees and their families. The attendees had the opportunity to visit the plant and ended the day with a picnic.
Congratulations to the whole Emsur Poland team!

We accepted the new Packers trial die-cutting machine for Innotech in South Korea. This will allow us to produce short runs of individual diecuts at a low cost, while also having the option to use it as a industrial machine if needed.

We have implemented a new, more sustainable cleaning system for the ink rollers. With the start-up of the two pieces of equipment, we are going to replace the classic detergent washing system with a waste-free, much more sustainable one. In addition, we will optimize the maintenance of the rollers with a guaranteed ink supply, improving the printing processes. The purchase has been carried out by a multidisciplinary team of Emsur SPO / Saymopack / Corporate Technical Dept.


The Sustainability Report 2022 is now available. Our sustainability report is not only a reflection of our achievements, but also a renewed commitment to continuous improvement. We are committed to further advancing our sustainability goals, setting new challenges, and working closely with everyone to continue to protect futures.

Este cambio de paradigma hace que sigamos mejorando nuestro actual sistema de producción, consumo y gestión para convertirlo en uno más circular, innovador y respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Con Coexpan como socio fundador, ENVALORA, el nuevo Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (SCRAP), permitirá a las empresas envasadoras cumplir con esta nueva obligación legal de organizar y financiar la gestión de los residuos de envases industriales y comerciales en el mercado. Cabe destacar, que esta obligación se extiende al resto de los países de la Unión Europea según la Directiva 2018/852 de envases y residuos de envases, antes del 31 de diciembre de 2024.


In the last two months we have received the following visits at Innotech:
All of them have had the opportunity to get to know our open innovation center and we were able to talk about the opportunities in their different fields and markets.


3 billions of cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day, according to The European Coffee, Tea & Soft Drinks Association, and 39,000 coffee capsules are produced every minute in the world. We have great solutions for this huge opportunity!
Most uses of plastic are long-lasting. Sixty percent of products made with plastic last 5 to 50 years, or even longer, such as certain construction applications. Thanks to the durability of plastics, we can save a lot of resources.
We want to hear from you. Write to us with your queries at comunicacion@grupolantero.com
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